What is the difference between ATS and AMF panels?
An ATS panel switches the input sources using a motorized transfer switch. The AMF panel features a changeover based on contactors with mechanical and electrical interlocks. ATS panels are capable of switching high currents. AMF panels are limited to 60kVA but offer granular control when it comes to load protection. Choose an ATS panel when the power is over 80kVA. Minor differences consist of the ATS and AMF controllers. On the market, you will find universal controllers capable of serving ATS and AMF panels.
The main difference between ATS and AMF is the switching from Mains to Generator and vice versa. The AMF panel controls coil-driven circuit breakers (so-called "CONTACTORS"). This will achieve a granular protection of the LOAD. An AMF panel has two very well-defined inputs: MAINS and GENERATOR.
The ATS panel switches the LOAD to Mains or Generator by using motorized circuit breakers. As a basic concept, the ATS panel is a cabinet with two uncommitted inputs (1 and 2 or primary and secondary) and one uncommitted output. Normally, in the standby generator business, we name the input mains and generator, the output LOAD. In the case of an AMF panel, it comes in a form very well pre-defined as input MAINS, input GENERATOR, and output LOAD.
The panel can respond quickly to variations of the mains. The AMF controller can switch ON and OFF without limitation. In case of failure of the controller, when there are no mains the contactor opens the circuit. We can say that it is a form of security. The same happens for the generator. In other words, you can make superb supervision and protection of the LOAD. Secondly, the use of an AMF controller could help in the cases of second-hand or old generators without the auto start module.
In normal conditions, the contactor of the MAINS is continuously kept closed. It is about 10W to 20W of continuous power consumption required to supply the coil of the contactor. At the end of one year, you will observe the total cost of this energy. Secondly, is the possibility of the failure of the contactor. Sometimes, after years of service, the coil deteriorates. In this, you wait for an electrician to replace the part. It could be problematic. Thirdly, the contactors are expensive over 60kVA.
The ATS panel is the perfect choice when you have to switch big currents. Once the switch is in position, you have no current consumption. But this comes with high cost in flexibility. You can overcome this issue by adding smaller panels in between the primary ATS panel and the load(s).
The motorized transfer switch being activated by an electric motor has particular requirements. In the end, you will not have the flexibility of application. For example, in case of total failure of the mains, the switch could remain in a closed position until the generator starts. This could create problems. This could happen when the switch is in the "GENERATOR" position. Secondly, an ATS panel is normally fitted with an ATS controller that features a single relay to start and stop the generator. This is a problem when you have to automatically start a generator that does not feature an AUTO START module,
This means that in the majority of the applications, the ATS panel must work in conjunction with a generator controller. The generator control is normally included in the generator dashboard panel. We can say that an ATS controller is more 'ORIENTED and SPECIFIC in MANAGING THE LOAD'. But, when using an ATS controller you have to make sure that your generator is well equipped with a reliable Auto Start Module. The main area covered by AMF panels includes applications up to 100kVA. Over this power is no longer needed a granular control of the load, the ATS panel is the best option.
Install an AMF panel with a power generator of up to 60kVA. Install an ATS panel when you require power above 60kVA. An AMF generator control panel is based on contactors changeover technology. This will allow you a precise monitoring of the mains and precise control of the load. The drawback is the continuous power requirements of about 20W to hold the contactor in a closed position. Contactors offer tremendous flexibility in operation. On the other hand, when high power is involved, the use of motorized transfer switches is mandatory.
The cost of manufacturing high-rated panels with contactors will be mindblowing. But, it depends on the value and importance of your standby application. Browse our offer of ATS and AMF generator control panels.
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